Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ride for the Economy

Some welcome warm weather has come to The Salt Lick Known as Rochester. Ah, nothing like riding my bike and smelling Mother Earth instead of ice water. Cardinals and robins are singing and V's of Canada geese fill the sky. No matter what's happening in the economy, their world is still sane. And that makes me feel very good.

I was thinking about it -- when I come back from a ride, I always feel confident and optimistic. It's the endorphin effect, no doubt. All those problems I had at the beginning of the ride seem to fall away with every mile. By the time I get home, I'm in an incredible frame of mind.

If it's true that consumers need a little optimism to get this economy cranking again (no pun intended), then I think we need a "Ride for the Economy" campaign to get as many people as possible in the right frame of mind. More bike riders means more optimism, which is just what we need. It's up to us as cyclists to put people on their bikes. I'm not talking about just your cycling buddies; I'm talking about your friends who don't ride. Introduce them to our wonderful sport.

This economy is about to meet its savior: the bicycle rider.

Ride for the economy!



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